Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family support

Last Monday since James was home we went to watch our niece cheer at their last home game. Their school doesn't have football, it is a small school. It was a basket ball game. I told our kids that was what we were doing for FHE to show Bekah support. It was fun being there as a family and watching her cheer. James started his new job two weeks ago this coming Monday and has been home three times already. It is nice that he has been able to come through the house that much. Kyrstyn is having the hardest time with him being back on the road. She cries for him at least once a day. I'm changing my work schedual. I'll be working Mon-Fri 10-2. It will be a lot better for us. I'll still be getting the same hours, but I'll be home before the kids get home from school and I'll only have to have someone watch the twins for a couple hours a day. I'll also have the weekends off and James is working on being off every weekend also, so then we can do things as a family.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am glad that things are working out a little better for you. Hopefully your kids will be able to adjust to the change soon.